October 22, 2009

Pumpkin Carving '09

Soooooo I planned on creating a magical night...We would carve our perfect pumpkin, roast the yummy seeds, and then enjoy some hot chocolate as a family on the back porch. Yeah. Right. :) Livi wanted nothing to do with carving the pumpkin, Brooks was ready for a nap, and Matt had to talk about some urgent school issues with a colleague. I wound up carving the pumpkin while Brooks slept and Matt chased Livi around the house, all while talking on the phone. I then roasted the pumpkin seeds...they all pretty much burned. Livi was ready for bed right when Brooks was ready to wake up and eat his last meal. He ate almost a whole bowl of oatmeal and peas, so that kinda made my night :) We played with him for a while and then he, too, was ready for bed. Finally Matt and I sat outside in the "cool" weather to sip our hot chocolate, just the two of us. That was a pretty nice ending to a hectic, not-so-much-as-planned evening :) Here are a few pics!


Anonymous said...

Glad I'm not the only one who plans these great things and they fail!!! Trying to live a Norman Rockwell life isn't too easy!!! hehe

Holly said...

It's not easy at all - especially with 2 little ones!